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The return of adult cooking club…

Another popular club returns to Thomley, as our adults are welcomed back to learn cooking skills at Thomley. At cooking club we encourage our adults to plan, prepare, cook and then of course eat their meals. Plus then help with…

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Roast Dinner Day is back!

Roast Dinner Day is back! We are thrilled to offer our disability friendly roast dinner days again. The first one will be in the pavilion on October 11th. Numbers will be restricted and social distancing measures will be in place.…

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Back to our term time schedule…

Back to our term time schedule...   We have had a great summer and we now return to our regular term time schedule. We are temporarily opening up all days Tuesday to Friday to disabled people of any age. Children…

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Adult social club is back!

The return of adult social club!   We are delighted to start offering one of our social groups again. The first session back is on Wednesday 23rd September and we will be doing socially distanced games, including battleships and higher…

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Latest site update…

The Government have released more guidance surrounding soft play areas within the last week. We have decided to keep our soft play area closed for September, due to the safety of our visitors. If Thomley were to open the area…

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September Activities

We will continue to try and offer more activities in September, as we will introduce some cooking activities in small groups again. The art room sessions will also increase as well as the types of outdoor activities, such as sumo…

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Camping is this weekend…

We are so excited for camping THIS WEEKEND! If you can no longer make it PLEASE let us know, as we have had a huge demand and don't want others missing out. Some bits to prepare you for the weekend...…

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The NEW sensory room has opened…

We are delighted to announce that our newly refurbished sensory room has opened! Have a look at a short video of the room here. The sensory room has unique and fantastic equipment, making it a must visit for any children or…

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