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Latest site update…

The Government have released more guidance surrounding soft play areas within the last week. We have decided to keep our soft play area closed for September, due to the safety of our visitors. If Thomley were to open the area…

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Our Place – Issue 33

The latest Thomley newsletter 'Our Place - Issue 33' is out NOW News includes: Re-opening Thomley and our initial plans; thanks to all of our community fundraisers; upcoming activities and our camping weekend; an update about the new sensory room…

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Sensory room development has begun!

We are delighted to say our sensory room development has now started! One of our maintenance men Dave has been clearing the room ready to decorate over the next week. Then we have Mike Ayres Design coming in to install…

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Cancellation of events

Cancellation of events

Cancellation of events We are so sorry for the cancellation of events such as the Mother's Day meal this Sunday and Paul Isaac's talk next week. This is a huge shame for us as well, with all the planning of…

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Coronavirus Operational Statement

Thomley will monitor and follow advice on a day-to-day basis given by and will take action based on their instructions: The Government The Chief Medical Officer The NHS General Statement Thomley are remaining open but offering a limited service to…

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Our Place – Issue 32

Our Place - Issue 32 has all the details of what is new at Thomley, what activities there are to look forward to and how you can help us fundraise to keep our service going. There is some exciting news…

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Happy New Year!

We would like to wish all of our supporters and visitors a very Happy New Year! A massive thanks goes to everyone who continue to support Thomley, and of course to our beneficiaries who continue to visit Thomley regularly and…

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