New camping pitches at Thomley – Book now for May half term and Summer holidays…
Always listening, always developing... We are delighted to now be taking bookings for our new camping pitches for May half term! YOU requested a specific area to camp and to offer more than just the few specific camping sessions every…
Shout Our for Send – Have your say!
'Shout Out for Send' is a way to have your say and make sure that local activities and services are suitable for young people with SEND. Shout Out for SEND also ensures that young people with SEND are being listened…
PALS – Supporting the Summer 2023 NEET Programme for Buckinghamshire – Sign up now…
Thomley is charity with 25 years heritage, which provides a lifelong learning and leisure centre for people with disabilities of all ages. Most of Thomley’s beneficiaries have Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), 70% have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). New…
Easter Holidays – What’s happening at Thomley?
EASTER HOLIDAYS at Thomley - The full two week schedule of additional activities and when you can attend... Monday 3rd April - Open for all - Currently FULLY BOOKED (unless booking a camping pod) * One camping pod available on…
BOOK NOW – April-May activity schedule has been released!
You can view a downloadable copy of our upcoming activities here: April - May Activity Planner Alternatively you can view and book all upcoming activities on our online calendar.
Our Place – Issue 48
Read the latest Thomley Newsletter, 'Our Place - Issue 48' All the latest Thomley News & Activities, including: EASTER HOLIDAYS; FREE holidays and food programme visits to Thomley for those in Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire; Easter camping pod offers; site update;…
Support Thomley by using ‘easyfundraising’ when you shop…
We’ve registered Thomley with #easyfundraising, which means over 7,000 brands will now donate to us for FREE every time you use #easyfundraising to shop with them. These donations will help SO MUCH, so please sign up to support us –…
February half term at Thomley…
We have lots of exciting activities available to book, but hurry, spaces are limited! Here is a breakdown of our half term and some additional activities on offer: Saturday 11th February - Disability Family Day Additional activities include: Bouncy pillow…