Claire completes the Virtual London Marathon for Thomley…
A big WELL DONE to Claire who completed her Virtual London Marathon on Sunday (in quite awful conditions!). She has raised over £670 so far for Thomley in the process.
Here is Claire’s story:
“A marathon!!!! Actually a lifelong dream but never did I ever think I’d be attempting one in 2020! I turned 40 in July and for obvious reasons haven’t celebrated in any of the ways I had planned. When London Marathon went virtual I figured this was my golden opportunity to attempt a marathon in a year that, quite frankly, has been full of setbacks, disappointment and challenges. To complete this marathon in their 40th year, in the year that I turned 40 would just be awesome. And seeing as ALL my 40th plans got cancelled, it was just destiny. I haven’t trained properly, I will definitely be walking some of it. But I will do it precisely because this year has been so challenging. As a family, we navigated the uncertainty and anxiety of lockdown together, but it’s been incredibly difficult for my eldest son who is on the autistic spectrum. All at once, all the things he loves which makes his life and routine safe and predictable, we’re taken away. Difficult for any child, but especially those who find unexpected change hard to cope with. That’s why I’m raising money for Thomley. A wonderful local space and haven for special needs families to go where it’s safe and you can relax knowing you are surrounded by others who understand and empathise. Thomley have struggled this year without many of the usual events they hold to raise much needed funds, so it feels right to try and help in some small way. I hope you will join me somehow on the day. Whether that’s in the form of sponsorship, tracking me on the app, or sending me a message of encouragement – anything will be greatly appreciated. I am going to need all the help I can get! Speedie/Speeds/Claire xxx”
Here is Claire’s fundraising page, if you are in a position to support her fundraising.