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Joe Kitchen

I am the Chief Executive of Thomley and have worked for the Charity since March 2009. Thomley is a very special place and one that is a lifeline to so…

Anna Capitani-Dutton

 I’ve worked at Thomley since Jan 2011. I am the Thomley Operations Manager. I am extremely dedicated to providing a high standard of service at Thomley, and proud that we…

Alice Goodman

 I joined the Thomley team in the Summer 2024, and I have loved getting to know our wonderful visitors and having lots of fun doing the activities. I have previously…

Mary Coleman

I am the Senior Administration Support Officer, helping with the smooth running of the admin behind the scenes. Previously a regular visitor to Thomley with my sons who have ASD,…

Kevin Bobbin

 I joined the team at Thomley in March 2022. I love my role as a Senior Playworker. In my own time I enjoy music, movies and books, I love sci…

Hayley Scanes

I am the Catering Coordinator here at Thomley – be sure to come and say hello and try a piece of my famous brownie! Outside of work I like Harry…

Greta Shurrock

 I joined Thomley as a casual playworker in July 2017, alongside my full-time job as a teaching assistant in a local school. I loved it so much that when the…

Shannon Reynolds

I joined the Thomley team in January 2023 as a full time Playworker and have since been promoted to Senior Playworker. I look forward to meeting you when you visit…

Ken Bruce

"I became involved with Thomley as a result of my son being diagnosed as autistic. The great enjoyment he gets out of the facilities and the caring attitude of the…

Paul Isaacs

Paul Isaacs

Paul Isaacs is a local speaker, trainer, consultant and author on the autism spectrum he currently speaks all around the UK educating and parents, professionals and people on the spectrum…

Charles Parry

Charles worked in the public sector for over 30 years, principally in the Fire and Rescue service (from firefighter in Merseyside to Chief Fire Officer for Oxfordshire). Following this, he…

Paul Marbaix

Paul is a Chartered Accountant, now retired from corporate life after nearly thirty years as a director in various industries, principally in a financial role but also in general management…

Andrew Lockhart

Andrew is Senior Director For and on behalf of CBRE. He has volunteered his invaluable professional advice concerning Thomley’s premises. Having committed so much of his time and having successfully…

Charlotte Castles

Charlotte became a trustee in 2022.  Having been a regular visitor to Thomley with her three children for a number of years, she is keen to give something back to…

Helen Barker

I’ve  worked in the NHS as a Physiotherapist, working with children and young people in the community, and latterly leading a team in Buckinghamshire. During a career break when my…

Gail Walshe

I first discovered Thomley with my son in 2005 and was impressed with the facility but most importantly, the warmth of the feeling it always had and the kindness of…

Casual Staff

Thomley employs a bank of casual playworkers who help the full time staff in busy periods, such as Saturdays and the school holidays. Playworkers supervise and engage with our visitors and are there to help if you need them whilst you’re on site.


Thomley are lucky enough to have some fantastic volunteers, some of whom come weekly, some monthly, but all offer their time for the goodness of our service.

We can’t thank our current volunteers enough for what they do, whether it be prepping our art activities, sweeping the decking or just playing with children.


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