Can you help us with our wish list?
The items below would really help us improve our service, whether you have a spare, it’s not used anymore or you would kindly purchase us something off the list – we would be very grateful!
Get in touch with us if you can help on: enquiries@thomley.org.uk
Cozy Coupe Cars
2 litre plastic bottles with lids
Bike/football pumps
Beach inflatables
Buckets and spades
Bamboo canes
old clothing, shoes and hats for scarecrow making
large wooden pallets for bug hotel building
Cozy Coupe Cars
Unwanted gifts
Cardboard tubes (not toilet rolls)
Small plastic bottles
Baby activity gym/play arch
Wild flower seeds
Balance bikes
Large digital clock
Large egg timer
Xbox controllers
Brightly coloured decorative cushions
Brightly coloured rugs
Plain t shirts for printing
Bike helmets
Go-karts and trikes for all ages
Garden Gnomes and garden decorative items