April – May Activities
It feels fantastic to be sharing our April – May activities with you!
Throughout the first couple of weeks our activities have been adapted to outside only. These also will encourage minimal face to face contact whilst offering more than just the facilities. As the indoors open on 12th April, we will also start offering indoor activities. These will remain mindful of social distancing, limiting numbers and staff will be using face coverings. All of the activities on our planner are optional extras, so please don’t feel obliged to take part. The schedule is subject to change, dependant on the Government’s four phase plan.
There are some exciting ones to look out for…
* Sarah’s Science workshops!
* Lionel the Train!
* Bouncy castles!
View a downloadable version of the activity planner here: April and May Activity Planner
To book, look on the online calendar and click the ‘Book now’ button on the day your are interested in.