WEEK ONE of the summer holidays at Thomley…
* Monday 24th July – Disability Family Day
Additional activities include:
11am Cooking Cup of ambition Fruity cocktails
1pm Lionel the land train
1pm Badminton
1:30pm Cricket
2pm Giant bubbles
Art: Silhouette Texas cactus art, Dolly quote affirmations, Dolly Parton colouring
Book here: https://buff.ly/44u7KiH
Book here for Buckinghamshire Holidays and Food Programme: https://buff.ly/3rvQ7k9
Book here for Oxfordshire Holidays and Food Programme: https://buff.ly/3BWyA74
* Tuesday 25th July – Water Day!
Water Day is back and wetter than ever – prepare to get drenched! While the indoor areas of Thomley remain closed, we bring you a super soaking of outdoor fun. Bring towels, swimming costumes, sun cream, and a change of clothes. As always at the end we will have a huge water battle!
(All equipment is provided by Thomley)
Book here: https://buff.ly/44qUOdB
Book here for Buckinghamshire Holidays and Food Programme: https://buff.ly/3pL0tMC
Book here for Oxfordshire Holidays and Food Programme: https://buff.ly/3BWyA74
* Wednesday 26th July – Disability for all
Additional activities include:
11am Cooking-Horse feed snacks
1pm Juggling John, circus skills workshop
1:30pm Archery
Art: Cactus craft, Wanted posters, Wild West scenes colouring, Junk modelling
Book here: https://buff.ly/3Q33baO
Book here for Buckinghamshire Holidays and Food Programme: https://buff.ly/46Pezx0
Book here for Oxfordshire Holidays and Food Programme: https://buff.ly/3BWyA74
* Thursday 27th July – 13+ Day
Additional activities include:
11am Cooking – Cowboy Bagel Pizzas
1pm Basketball
2:30pm Art With Kevin
Art: Snakes on a Plate, Paper Cactus, Wild West Painting
Book here: https://buff.ly/3NYD9D5
Book here for Buckinghamshire Holidays and Food Programme: https://buff.ly/3Y1B9i4
Book here for Oxfordshire Holidays and Food Programme: https://buff.ly/3BWyA74
* Friday 28th July – Open for all
Additional activities include:
11am Sensory jars
1pm Table tennis
1:30pm Football
Art: Paper plate snakes, Lasso art, Cowboy colouring pages, Junk modelling
Book here: https://buff.ly/3DkeuUB
Book here for Buckinghamshire Holidays and Food Programme: https://buff.ly/3Di3WoX
Book here for Oxfordshire Holidays and Food Programme: https://buff.ly/3BWyA74
* Saturday 29th July – Disability Family Day
Additional activities include:
11am Rocky road cooking
1:30pm Wild west showdown
2:30pm Giant bubbles
Art: Lolly stick cactus, cowboy colouring, horse handprints
Book here: https://buff.ly/44u7KiH
Book here for Buckinghamshire Holidays and Food Programme: https://buff.ly/3DfBunt
Book here for Oxfordshire Holidays and Food Programme: https://buff.ly/3BWyA74