PALS – Supporting the Summer 2023 NEET Programme for Buckinghamshire – Sign up now…
Thomley is charity with 25 years heritage, which provides a lifelong learning and leisure centre for people with disabilities of all ages. Most of Thomley’s beneficiaries have Special Educational Needs and
Disabilities (SEND), 70% have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
New Meaning Training (NMT) is a social enterprise that specialises in helping young people who struggled in a secondary school setting to strengthen their personal confidence and motivation to earn their own living – discovering the personal employment pathway that can enable them to do so.
Thomley and NMT both demonstrate through considerable experience that young people with SEND face additional challenges to achieving their goals. In response to this challenge, from 2021-2022 Thomley and NMT formed a partnership and started the Thomley Achieve Life Skills Programme – an entry level to level 1 or 2 course designed to empower and support young people in everyday fundamentals for living life more independently. Outcomes for the first 2021-2022 cohort were excellent, with 100% achieving their certificate or diploma and 100% achieving their Maths, English, and Employability qualifications. Four of the nine students decided to continue at Thomley for a second year and five transferred to college courses.
PALS Programme
The trainers will work through the 12 NM PALS modules with the young people and referencing their personal life experiences, both what has been experienced and what is/could be expected, hoped, planned, desired. Each module is linked to the next because the core input is the personal experience of the young person. Not all the skills are relevant to each young person in the same way – much depends on their current and past situation.
To download a referral form, look here: www.newmeaning.co.uk/thomley
Please call or email if you have any questions about joining: 01494 436642 / thomley@newmeaning.co.uk