Our Place – Issue 14
All the latest Thomley News, including: Our brand new construction room, reception is on the move, we are recruiting for two new roles AND lots of new equipment. Read the full newsletter here: Our Place - Issue 14
All the latest Thomley News, including: Our brand new construction room, reception is on the move, we are recruiting for two new roles AND lots of new equipment. Read the full newsletter here: Our Place - Issue 14
Our upcoming activities have some Thomley favourites, and lots of new things to try! Look out for: Robot Workshop on Lego Day, Football, Multi-sports, Hockey, Rugby, Cricket, Animal workshop, Umbanda drumming and lots more! For a downloadable version…
All the latest Thomley news, upcoming events such as our Cartoon Drawing Workshop and Paul Isaacs Conference, NEW pavilion food and drink menu & all the upcoming activities, including a Birds of Prey workshop, football coaching and lots more... Here…
Our theme for this activity planner is 'Books & Comics', so you will see this run throughout all the focus days we offer. Ranging from Harry Potter, to Superhero comics, and workshops such as Birds of Prey, Woodwork and a…
A chance for families to use Thomley in an evening, where usually we would be closed. To take advantage of this, please email: bookings@thomley.org.uk
For a downloadable version of our upcoming activities, click here.
Thomley's pavilion is now ready for launch, we have lots of activities planned for Christmas including a Panto, Pyjama Party and more. Plus find out what's new for next year at Thomley, with the introduction of after school opening hours.…
Thomley gets new Sensory equipment Thomley, a recreational and educational facility for disabled children and their families in Buckinghamshire, has received funding of £8,330 from DM Thomas Foundation for Young People to develop a new sensory room. The grant from…
Lots of news to tell you all about this time, including: an update on the pavilion, the pavilion launch details, some new staffing arrivals and staff changes, and of course all the upcoming activities and events. Look out for the…