Latest site update…
The Government have released more guidance surrounding soft play areas within the last week. We have decided to keep our soft play area closed for September, due to the safety of our visitors.
If Thomley were to open the area up it would be with empty ballpits and empty toy boxes, as to maintain the high level of cleanliness it would be very intensive on our staff team. We feel opening this area without so many toys and play features could cause further frustration for many of our visitors. We understand that the soft play is a popular building, however we are very keen to maintain our high level of cleanliness and visitor safety across the site.
We are however pleased to say that we have added in some activities to our schedule such as cooking workshops, adult cooking club and adult social club. All of which will be slightly different to usual, in smaller groups and wearing PPE. Youth club will however not restart until October. The September schedule can be seen here.
The pavilion will re-open by October. This will also have a one-way / order system, and limited tables and chairs.
We will release an update in September with a plan regarding October site and service changes.