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Thomley has been supporting disabled people, their families, friends & carers for over 15 years. We have been assisted in our efforts by a number of local corporate partners who have donated their time & resources over the years. They tell us that they benefit from the partnership just as much as we do.

Here are some ways partners work with us:


Team volunteering days are a wonderful way to make an impact here at Thomley. We have an 8 acre site which requires significant maintenance work. Corporate teams hold team-building days here where they carry out essential maintenance work such as painting, gardening, bike & play equipment repairs whilst working as a team in a different environment away from the office. The teams often make use of our pavilion to socialise together after a hard day’s work.

Some organisations choose to ’adopt’ a part of our site & take responsibility for the upkeep of that area.

Skills Development

We offer placement opportunities for staff to develop their skills in finance, fundraising, IT development, digital or caring for disabled people.

We welcome trustees or special advisors to the Thomley team. We would like expertise in one of the following areas; finance, revenue generation, operations, brand development or leadership development.


Some corporate partners choose to take on a challenge such as a run, bike ride or similar & fundraise for Thomley in the process. Great for getting fit & team building!

In Kind Support

We welcome donations of office furniture, equipment, computers, all sorts of play equipment, art supplies, tools & construction equipment.

If you’d like to partner with Thomley please contact us or 01844338380


Here are just a few examples of the support we have received from our Corporate Partners in 2017

Lucy Electric is a leader in secondary power distribution solutions based locally in Thame. Lucy have supported Thomley for the past few years through volunteering days & donating office equipment, toys, even bird boxes!

Lucy Electric on a volunteering day at Thomley in May 2017

‘Thomley is a vital part of the thriving infrastructure of Thame & supporting this local charity is important to us.  The volunteer work we do with Thomley gives us the opportunity to contribute something to the local community and everyone involved always feels a real sense of achievement in helping this great cause, together with enjoying some downtime away from the office!’




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