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We are thrilled to be offering the Holidays and School Programme again this Easter, for all families in receipt of free school meals in Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Milton Keynes. To book your Thomley places you will need to use the links / instructions sent directly to you. If you have not received this, please contact your school or relevant Holidays and Food Programme authority.

Here are some Thomley specific reminders for those attending as part of the Holidays and Food Programme:

  • Please do cancel your places in advance if you can no longer make the visit, so that someone else can benefit from your space.
  • On the day of your visit you will be able to pre-book your hot lunches when you sign it at reception. We are very flexible, so if your child has dietary needs or anything specific, please do let us know.
  • Thomley is open from 10am-3:30pm, you may come and go between those hours to suit you.
  • Parent/s or carer/s must stay on site with the children. This is not a drop and go service.



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