Charity Ball raises over £5,000 for Thomley…
We hosted our annual ball at the weekend which was a HUGE success.
The food, atmosphere, music and company were all exceptional! It’s lovely to be able to have a dining experience with various stakeholders of Thomley all in one room. Visitors and staff of Thomley, those we work in partnership with and those in our local community, all coming together to share a fantastic night. The fact we managed to raise over £5,000 in the process is obviously a welcomed bonus!
We do have lots of people to thank…
*The Big Disco Company for an AMAZING set!
*Gracie Rae for the amazing balloon moongate!
*Jake Herreros and team for the excellent three course meal!
*To everyone who attended, bought raffle tickets, placed bids on the auction and spent the evening with us.
*Thanks to some local businesses who also made additional donations to Thomley, including Wheatley Tyre Centre Oxford LTD and ACP All Clean Plus Ltd
*And lastly our staff team on the night who were excellent behind the bar and serving throughout the night.
See you all next year!