Buckinghamshire Holidays and Food Programme this Christmas…
We are delighted to be offering the Holidays and Food Programme again this Christmas.
This means that anyone who is in receipt of free school meals in Buckinghamshire can book in with Thomley over the Christmas period and receive a funded visit for the day PLUS a sensory session PLUS a hot lunch meal included.
Available dates for BUCKINGHAMSHIRE bookings: 21st-23rd December, 28th-30th December and 3rd January. To book, please visit the links below:
Wednesday 21st December: https://buff.ly/3UC4wEW
Thursday 22nd December: https://buff.ly/3E39cNb
Friday 23rd December: https://buff.ly/3E5ZSIj
Wednesday 28th December: https://buff.ly/3g3GFix
Thursday 29th December: https://buff.ly/3Gn3xEe
Friday 30th December: https://buff.ly/3hv46BA
Tuesday 3rd January: https://buff.ly/3hv4b8m